If you are new to World of Myths, enjoy the game and want to get better at it – here are 10 tips to help you better understand the game and its’ mechanics!
1. No Undeclare
Once you have declared your Units of choice for battle, you cannot change or undo your selections. You also cannot change the first Temple you clicked on for an attack. Please calculate and evaluate carefully before you act! Although a lot of the cards’ mechanics revolve around this game mechanic, this is one of the most common concerns we often hear from new players and they often suggest new alternative ideas or ways to modify that which currently exists. This is very much in fact, a game mechanic intended to remain until a better idea is presented, in a constructive manner, that does not compromise the skill curve/ceiling of the game. It’s most likely going to stay though because unlike its CCG contemporaries, World of Myths is for the strong and mighty BULGING, THROBBING, and VEINY big brains and not for the weak-willed little man who’s constantly victimized by natural selection and has a sweaty breakdown during big decision-making scenarios.
Bonus: You can double click on a unit to declare it for battle!
2. Take That Damage
Do not be afraid to let your Temples take damage! Not all attacks have to be defended against. Sometimes it’s better to simply let an attack, especially large ones, go through as it may result in one of your temples completely destroyed thus depriving your opponent the ability to farm that temple’s spoils and gaining a big card advantage while also accumulating stat buffs for their units. On the other hand if you’re running a fatigue build, consider defending just enough so that tiny tickle damage seeps through; they’ll start drawing more cards than they realize is necessary and you’re just gonna stand there and watch em’ burn (cards) but that’s alright, because you like the way it hurts (them).
Bonus: You can buff your opponent’s attackers so they destroy your Temple faster. This is a good consideration if you have a hard time building a board and your opponent is constantly attacking your middle Temple.
3. Unit Blocking
Your turn begins when your enemy finishes declaring their units for an attack. If you choose to defend with a unit and it survives the battle, that unit will become “exhausted” and will be ineligible to be selected/declared for battle when you go on the offense in the same turn.
Bonus: Your Units ready themselves (remove exhaustion) at the start of your opponent turn!
4. God Blocking
6. Out of Cards
7. Mind Games
As mentioned earlier, Your Turn starts on defense assuming your opponent declared an attack. During this time, your faith will not yet increase & refill and you are left with however much faith you didn’t use during your last turn when you ended it. You may use the remaining amount of faith to cast spells against your enemy and take them by surprise, leaving them to be more wary and cautious the next time they decide to summon and attack with their new units. Like spells, there are special units that can be summoned on defense if they contain the “Reinforcement” ability keyword and they’re automatically able to defend. This defensive mechanic will leave your opponents paranoid with constant second-guessing and uncertainty, which is great because all battles are first won in the mind! But that doesn’t mean you should delude yourself into believing your crush secretly reciprocates your feelings. Somebody had to tell ya.
Bonus: If your opponent left a considerable amount of Faith in reserve and did not attack you, you might reconsider your moves as they most likely have some hidden tricks.
8. Going Second
During the mulligan, the background is blurry but you can tell which player goes first by which side of the field the gold coin is on; positioned either at the top left or bottom left corner. If you go second, you’re given a “Fresh Recruit” which is a 1 power 1 endurance Unit so that the enemy going first does not have an advantage against you.
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He attacc
But most importantly, he can’t really attacc
Bonus: If you go first, attacking the Middle Temple and getting rid of the Fresh Recruit might seem like a great move but most often the card advantage from the side Temples will give a long-term benefit.
9. Mulligan
WoM’s mulligan takes it a step further. Not only will you not redraw the same copy that you discarded, but you won’t draw the same card at all assuming you have more than one copy in the deck.
Bonus: If you want your deck to be more consistent try adding 2 copies of all cards when possible. This way with the mulligan mechanic, you get a higher chance to have what you need in hand on turn 1.
10. Polygamy is Underrated
Rather than there being one singular rank representing your whole profile, each Mythology has its own rank! This means you can be Bronze 2 for one Mythology and Diamond 4 for another faction at the same time. You are also rewarded for each faction placement at the end of the season. You’ll gain full rewards for your highest ranked Mythology, and reduced rewards for the rest.
Bonus: Each Rank has 5 levels with 5 being the lowest and 1 being the highest. The Ranks in order are: Wood, Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinium, Diamond, Master and above them all the unreleased Grand Master